When I worked at The Rock, I had a couch in my office and almost everyday somebody would come in and sit down and we would talk about life, ministry, leadership, and so on. We started calling it "Couch Time." 

What I thought was just a few of us growing and asking questions was really The Lord putting a seed in my heart for creating those types of moments with people and for people. So I started LeadLoveUnite last fall and it was in the beginning a place where I could wrestle through things with the hope that it would be come something more.

Lately the Lord has challenged me to steward that "couch" better. I believe that there is a need for new leaders, seasoned leaders and people within the local church to have a place where they can go and learn from other leaders being honest and sharing struggles, wins, and encouragement. 

One of the goals and hopes is to build the Lead Love Unite website into a virtual couch where some of my best friends, mentors, and leaders can gather to share thoughts and ideas with one another and anyone who is interested.

-JD Small