Connecting with Heaven...

My time with the Lord occurs regularly but is structured irregularly.  Generally I spend time with the Lord after I take a shower and make coffee, both necessities. I start by playing worship music in the background while I pray in the Spirit. This helps my entire being get connected with heaven; body, soul, and spirit.

Once I’m in that place, I open up the bible to the place the Lord has led me. I’ve tried doing bible plans. I’ve tried reading the bible in a year. I’ve tried reading through the bible systematically. None of those techniques are my rhythm. It is incredibly important to find your rhythm. Everyone has their own preference, style, and taste, even when reading the bible. Find what works for you and roll with it. I like to take it book by book, asking the Lord where to go whenever I finish one.

I don't have a certain amount that I read. I read until I find something that speaks to me for that day. Jesus said to ask God for your daily bread, so I read until I get something that is food for my soul. Some days I get it in the first couple minutes and verses. Some days it takes longer. Either way, I won't stop until I'm fed. 

When I get that verse, nugget, or theme, I listen to worship while meditating on what I received. That brings it from my head to my heart. It's in that place where the Word comes alive in me. 

I don't believe there's a perfect pattern to spending time with the Lord, but I do believe that making it a pattern is the most important part of our human existence. 

- Zach Spector