Lessons from Kiah...

Have you ever had those days where you are walking along minding your own business and the Lord starts talking to you about something?

Most mornings I have a routine that includes walking Kiah, our awesome dog, before I leave for work. If I can't do it or I am leaving early my wife will take her for a short walk.

Kiah has become used to this.

This morning I had an early meeting and Kelly had to get out the door, so I said I would walk Kiah when I got home, it would only be 10-15 minutes tops, between when Kelly left and I got home. Well Kiah must have thought it was an eternity or that we had forgotten about her, or maybe she was just mad, whatever was the cause she decided to relieve herself in our downstairs living room.

I came home after a great gathering with some guys and walked in and instantly I was upset.

I scolded her and then I knew I needed to walk her anyway so I leashed her up and left the house.

As I was walking thinking about my frustrations, every little thing that Kiah was doing was making me more frustrated, there began this conversation/prayer in my head and out loud.

"God I am so grateful that you don't feel towards me the way that I feel towards Kiah right now."

The rest of my time walking the dog, God was teaching me another level of his love for me and for humanity. He was teaching me a new facet of what Grace is and does in our lives.

Only grace is strong enough to beat sin. Grace is messy.
— John Lynch author of "The Cure"

The truth is that the only thing strong enough to conquer sin is what Jesus did on the cross, his love for you and I is what was on his mind as he went to the cross. I loved this definition of Grace:

...the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God.
— Dictionary.com

We desperately need grace, we cannot live without it, but it is one of the messiest ideas I know of. It is easy to receive but at times hard to give.

I am so overwhelmed and grateful for a God who shows me grace when I make mistakes and messes.

16 From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
— John 1:16-17 NIV

Thanks Kiah for a moment to learn about grace.